TSA Online
Information about Tourette:
The Tourette Assocation of America: the website of our parent organization, national TAA. Answers to FAQs, the latest on Tourette research, pamphlets on Tourette and much more.
Leslie Packer's Home Page: a website run by a clinical psychologist who is the mother of Tourette children. Contains excellent information on Tourette and co-morbid conditions, interesting excersizes for teachers to help them understand Tourette, an index of the latest scientific research and much more.
Life's a Twitch: a website for kids and adults with Tourette.
Information about Medications:
RXList : detailed information on prescription drugs.
Alternative Approaches to Tourette:
Latitudes : information on non-pharmacological interventions and Tourette.
Information about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
Obsessive Compulsive Foundation
Education Information:
Families and Advocates Partnership for Education: FAPE presents easy-to-read documents on various special education topics. Their Facts-On-Hand Publications, Research Briefs, Fact Sheets and Promising Practices answer many questions and address many issues frequently posed by parents and professionals.
National Center for Learning Disabilities: information about learning disabilities, advocacy, parental strategies, and resources like tutoring, testing, & behavioral support.