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Photo Gallery
2018 Take in Comedy
2017 Take in Comedy
2014 Take in Comedy
2013 Mentoring Brunch
2012 Take in Comedy
2012 Mentoring Brunch
2011 Take In Comedy
2010 Mentoring Brunch
Friends of TSA NYC Monthly Social Hour
Take in Comedy 2018
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Cara and Deric | Board Members |
Jewish comin on stage | |
Last comic on stage | Brooke on stage |
Brooke on stage | Kevin on stage |
Troye and Chelsea on stage | Troye and Chelsea on stage |
Dan and Becca Johnson | Jewish comin on stage |
Last comic on stage | Brooke on stage |
Shot of room with Kevin on stage | Sam and Noor watching the stage |
Chelsea, Troye and Chris | Two women with champagne |
Photo of raffle table | Louis and Yukako with Joseph Torres |
Liz Snyder | Two young people |
Waitperson serving food to Krissy | The winning tickets |
Joanna Hadjiyanis and Brandi | GroupLil and Dan Rostan, Melissa Bell and Leo Schmidt |
Jeff Feuer with Takein Comedy behind | Gary Schneidkraut with familyGary Schneidkraut with Mom and brother Mark |
Jonathan, GF, Michelle and Ariane | Carolyn Renner and Jeff Feuer |
Shot of the cocktail area | Dawn Robertson with Glenn and Lil |
Full room waiting for the show | Steve with Meredith Belle.jpg |
Chelsea on stage.jpg | Eric Shapiro, Jon Fried and Alana Oppenheim |
Empty room with Gary setting out flyers on tables |
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